Personal Finance

Introduction: Personal Finance 101

Personal finance is a maze that can be solved without breaking the bank on advisers and seminars. Whether you are just getting started or looking to improve your competency within personal finance, mastering the basics is essential. Read on for concrete steps you can take to build a bedrock of financial stability and prosperity — so that no matter what, life may find against you, your pocketbook will be ready. Ready to dive in? Let’s get started!

Personal Finance in a Nutshell

What is Personal Finance?

I like to define personal finance as managing every aspect of your money – income, expenses, savings and investment. It involves doing your own research and using those findings to enrich yourself financially.

Personal Finance is Essential.

Sound personal finance helps you reach your financial goals – whether that’s buying a house, paying off debt or just being able to live comfortably without the constant stress of how much money is in your bank account.

Setting Financial Goals

Why Set Financial Goals?

The first step to financial security is setting precise, realistic goals. Goals provide you with direction and a solid reason for sticking to your financial plan.

Types of Financial Goals

It could be things you want to do next month, a quick weekend trip or covering an unexpected expense-or maybe this one department store particular credit card Ago that needs This is your debt repayment.

Overtime, you will start to see the difference between your short-term goals and medium term goals (think of that house down payment in one year through 5 years)

Long term goals: These are about costs that require greater than 5 years to reach, for example charitable deed or your individual copartner cost.

Setting Smart Money Goals

SMART: (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant & Time-Bound) goals. As an alternative to: I want to save say, I want to obtain $5k of emergency savings by the end of this year

Creating a Budget

The Importance of Budgeting

By keeping a budget you see exactly how much money is coming in and going out, making it easier to stay within your means. The cornerstone of financial stability and success

Steps to Create a Budget

Income: Sum up all the incoming cash from your salary, bonus and side gigs.

Make a List of Your Expenses: Fixed (ie. rent, utilities) and Variable expenses (ie. groceries), entertainment).

Establish Spending Limits: Divide resources into buckets depending on specific financial goals and objectives.

Change as necessary: Every month, look at your budget and make sure things are going according to plan.

Budgeting Tools and Apps

Feel free to look into budgeting tools or apps (Mint, YNAB You Need a Budget) if you are so inclined!

Saving Strategies

The Importance of Saving

On the other hand when you save, this gives a protection in place to help avoid financial emergencies and also helps you walk towards long-term goals. It’s one of the truly important aspects to financial security.

Building an Emergency Fund

Work towards saving three to six months of living expenses in an account that you can easily access. The excuse fund is what will provide you with that small cushion of for the one-off expenses such as a medical emergency or your Uber getting stolen (yes, it happens!)

Automating Your Savings

Establish direct deposits to your savings. This “Pay Yourself First” concept works in the sense that you are continuously saving money on a regular basis without even thinking about it.

Personal Finance

Managing Debt

The Several Branches of Debt

Good Debt – A debt that when paid can benefit you in the long run, for example student loans or mortgages.

Bad Debt: Include high-interest credit card debt which is considered non-value adding.

How to Remain Debt-free – Tips and Tricks

Or if I do pay off other small balances then you know, the popular Debt Snowball Method (pay down debt starting with smallest balance while paying minimums on everything else). This momentum builds as you pay off debts.

Debt Avalanche : that requires you to pay your loans with the higher interest first, which help ease paying more money on top of what is already required for an alteration of time.

Avoiding Debt Traps

Spend the way you earn. stay away from unnecessary lending, and credit carding your ass into loans.

Investing for Growth

Why Invest?

Investing Your Money will grow faster than saving your money in the savings account. For creating wealth and building toward the huge financial dream.

Types of Investments

Shares in a company with the potential for high returns but at greater risk.

Bonds: Loans made to governments or corporations that pay interest over time, typically safer investments than stocks.

Mutual Funds: A method of pooling money together to buy a diversified portfolio of stocks, bonds or other financial instruments.

Real Estate: Property investments that could bring rental income and appreciate over time.

Investment Strategies

Demo: Allocate your investments in various types of asset classes to minimize risk as an example.

Dollar-Cost Averaging – Investes a fixed amount regularly, regardless market condition as it averages the cost of your investments over time.

Long Term Focus: Just invest and move on, the market looks after itself over time with compound growth.

Understanding Credit

What is a Credit Score?

A credit score is a number that represents your trustworthiness as far as loans, based on your financial record. It runs from 300 to 850, with higher scores representing stronger credit.

Why Credit Score is Important

Solid credit can make it easier to get loans with lower interest rates, rent an apartment and even land a new job offer.

How You Can Rebuild Your Credit Score

Credit score factors not to be considered: Here is a list of some myths you might believe as essential for your credit report that actually do nothing on it This way, if you avoid doing them wrong now, when applying for an auto loan or another type of lending in the future and get into this article again.

Pay Debt Down: When you pay off your credit card balances, the credit utilization rate for debt will decrease.

Check Your Credit Report: Check your credit report periodically and dispute any errors.

Our Insurance: to Keep Our Assets Safe

Types of Insurance

Health insurance: Pays for medical expenses and helps you to reduce the financial dent from high health care costs.

Life Insurance Life provides financial assistance to your dependents post you OnTriggered – Death.

Homeowners/Renters Insurance This protects your belongings and home from damage or theft

Auto Insurance: Protects you against all vehicle-related expenses in the event of accidents or theft.

Why Insurance is Crucial

It serves as a security to make sure that you are not on the losing end of money when something unexpected happens.

Retirement Planning

Why Start Early?

If you start saving for retirement sooner, your money has more time to grow through compound interest.

Retirement Savings Accounts

401(k) – A retirement plan offered through your employer, often with matching contributions.

IRA-Individual Retirement Account: your own retirement account, with tax benefits.

Roth IRA: You fund these accounts with post-tax dollars, and in retirement the withdrawals are tax-free.

What To Save For Retirement

A frequently quoted guideline is to save 15% of your earnings for retirement. Destination retirement: use some of the many free online calculators to determine a rough estimate for both late and early retirees.

Taxes: Maximizing Your Refund

It is important to know what the tax implications are

Understand the basics of your tax brackets and types such as federal, state, and local taxes.

Tax-Advantaged Accounts

Leverage accounts such as IRAs, 401(k)s and Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) to lower your taxable income AND save for the future.

Filing Your Taxes

If you think that this may be too complicated than consider hiring a tax professional or buying turbotax personal tax software as to make sure, you get all the deductions and credits applicable for your unique circumstances.

Estate Planning

Why Estate Planning Matters

Estate planning helps to ensure the distribution of your assets, property and estates are in accordance with their wishes so it can reduce estate taxes or other tax penalties applied on you.

Key Estate Planning Documents

Will – Who you want your assets to go after death.

Trust -The will handle your possessions and help with avoiding probate.

Power of Attorney- Name someone to act on your behalf for financial or health decisions in the event that you are unable.

Finance Management and Resources

More Knowledge About Finances

Learn from books, events (more on this later) and even blogs or podcasts in the financial blogosphere.

Recommended Resources

If you’re not a reader, I would highly recommend reading “Rich Dad Poor Dad” by Robert Kiyosaki or listen to the audio book. You could also read The Total Money Makeover By Dave Ramsey.

Source: Investopedia, NerdWallet

Podcasts: “The Dave Ramsey Show”; and “BiggerPockets Money Podcast.”


Becoming Financially Fit and Growing to be Well Off is a journey that you have to plan for, practice extreme control over your behaviors – such as consumer spending habits – relax the need of impulsion in terms on consumption; involve yourself with books made by guru’s who provided their wealth teachings throughout time. Setting a financial goal, making a plan with budgeting, saving the money and managing debt, investing wisely and asset protecting all these will lay down your family’s solid MWA. So.. just keep in mind that it is never too early or late to begin taking charge of your financial future.


So, what do I know to be the very first step in taking control of my finances?

Step 1: Make a Budget This way, you can see where all of your money is going and be able to pinpoint some areas that may need changes.

What Should My Emergency Fund Be?

You should have three to six months’ of living expenses readily available, as a minimal cash cushion.

How to Get Out of Debt in the Smartest Way?

The best strategy for you will depend on your personal situation, but two commonly-used methods are the debt snowball method and the debt avalanche method.

Retirement: When should I start saving?

As early as possible. The more rapidly you begin the earlier, your money can develop through accrued interest.


Make on-time payments, decrease your debt and review your credit regularly for inaccuracies.